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Sistema Verdes Mares

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With more than five decades of operations in the state of Ceará, the Verdes Mares System is one of the most solid and complete communication groups in Brazil, made up of TV Verdes Mares, TV Verdes Mares Cariri, Diário do Nordeste, G1 Ceará, TV Diário, Rádio Verdes Mares, FM 93, Recife FM and Rádio Tamoio.

The Verdes Mares System was born in the 1960s, with Rádio Verdes Mares, where it began one of the most important chapters in the history of communication in the country. The Verdes Mares System plays a fundamental role in the daily lives of citizens, contributing with educational and cultural activities to the development of society.

Imagem sobre <span>Present throughout Ceará</span>

Present throughout Ceará

With its teams of competent professionals and modern facilities and equipment, SVM stands out for the capillarity of its distribution/transmission network, being present in all 184 municipalities in Ceará and having the public interest as its main focus.

An important milestone for SVM took place in 2018, with the inauguration of its integrated newsroom, a pioneering project in Brazil that puts the system at the forefront of the world press. The new newsroom brings together the entire team in the areas of print, online, radio and television journalism, integrating all its communication vehicles in the way they make news.

Verdes Mares System figures




TV stations


reaching the population


of people reached/month


Visit the Verdes Mares System website
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